Andru Liu
Robotic Manipulation, Planning, Controls, Mobile Robotics, Perception.
Semi-Supervised Adaptation for Prosthesis Control
Prosthesis Control, Machine Learning, EMG, Virtual Games Utilized the Coapt EMG sensor with virtual games to improve EMG-based classification.
EMG Controlled Hand Exoskeleton
Embedded Control, Machine Learning, EMG Designed a hand exoskeleton with machine learning classification to aid in playing the piano.
Flip It Pancake Maker Robot
ROS, MoveIt!, Computer Vision Programmed and controlled a Franka Emika Panda robot arm to cook and flip pancakes.
Robotic Helping Hand
ROS, MoveIt!, RVIZ, Gazebo, rostest Programmed and controlled a px100 robot arm to pick up an Airpod case without hitting a collision object in real-life and simulation.
Dice in a Cup Dynamics From Scratch
Dynamics, Simulation, SymPy, Jupyter Notebook Modeled Lagrangian dynamics of a 6 DOF system; a dice colliding inside of a spinning cup.
Mobile Manipulation
Manipulation, Motion Planning, Trajectory Generation Programmed youBot to pick and place a block in the simulation software CoppeliaSim.